In the retro wave that’s hit Bollywood, many of yesteryear star Zeenat Aman’s chartbusters are finding their way into films of today. However, the actress, not known to make much ado over her films or songs being remade, says she’s ‘disappointed’ with the way one of her iconic song, 'Dum maaro dum', has turned out with actor Deepika Padukone in it. The actress, however, is quite happy with another remake of her song with item girl Yana Gupta in it.
“I couldn’t sit through the song 'Dum maaro dum'. I am disappointed with it,” says Zeenat, “I didn’t like it. I am sure Deepika (Padukone) is a fabulous dancer and a performer, but I would like to reserve my comments on how the song was done,” she adds.
According to sources, Aman didn’t like the way an apparently ‘high’ Padukone was jumping in the song in a white mini skirt that she thought didn’t suit her or the song. “I don’t know whether I would be able to watch the entire song, but I wish Deepika all the best. She’s a fabulous performer and actor otherwise,” adds Aman.
Interestingly, Aman throws her weight behind Yana Gupta’s version of her iconic song, 'Laila O Laila' in Mahesh Bhupathi’s film Chalo Dilli. “I was a little apprehensive about how they would do the song. They have left a DVD at my house to watch it frame by frame, but I already like what I see,” she says. “I’m completely confident with Yana. She’s a sensual lady and a wonderful dancer. I am sure that they’ll do complete justice to the song through her,” she ends.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Gupta shimmies in advance of Padukone
1:59 AM