Friday, September 30, 2011


( They asked people to tell them what are the most embarrassing things in the world, and after almost 2 million votes, the results are in:

Walking in on Someone in the Bathroom
Accidentally Spitting in Someone's Face While Talking
Sweating Through Your Shorts
Forgetting the name of a person you've met more than once
Having Someone Walk in on You in the Bathroom
Not Being Invited to a Party All Your Friends Are Going To
Having Your Bathing Suit Come Off in Public
Having the Ass of Your Pants Rip in Public
At a friend's house, the toilet does something weird that is not your fault, but you are torn between telling them and just letting them find out
Mistaking a Fat Lady for a Pregnant Lady
Saying Something Bad About Someone Who Overhears
Getting Pantsed
Farting in an empty elevator and then someone coming on a second later
Puking in Public
Realizing at the Register That You Do Not Have Enough Money on Your Person to Pay
Having a Booger You're Not Aware of
Accidentally touching a naked person in a gym locker room
Mistaking Someone for the Opposite Gender
Waving to Someone Who Wasn't Actually Waving at You
Attempting to join in a conversation, not being heard, saying what you said again, realizing they totally heard you the first time
Showing Someone a Picture on Your Phone and They Scroll without Permission and See a Naked Picture of You
Clogging the Toilet at Friend's House