Monday, October 31, 2011


What kind of costume is best for you according to your astrological sign?

Aries: Dress as a celebrity athlete, musician, or entertainer, underscoring your natural desire to stand out.

Taurus: Emphasize comfort over appearance. Paint a simple vampire face, and throw on a cape. Keep it simple.

Gemini: You want to shock people. Your costume will be over the top. Stay out of conservative neighborhoods. You tend to push the limits of good taste with a super sexy costume.

Cancer: You should reflect the crab's shell. A knight in shining armor, or a warrior or princess in full battle array will fit you fine.

Leo: You love to dress as royalty. A princess, King, Queen or member of the royal court is your style. The perfect costume is that of the King of the Jungle.

Virgo: You are picky about your costume because of your critical nature. But the costume that every Virgo wins with is the vampire nurse or doctor. It combines your love of science with Halloween's scarey side.

Libra: Your costume involves a partner. Who will be Marc Anthony to your Cleopatra? Who will be a cowboy to your Indian? A Batman to your Robin? Find someone now to share your night of spirit revelry.

Scorpio: loves a mysterious costume that leaves others wondering. Dressing as a ninja--covered in black with a mask--hides both face and figure. Keeping everyone guessing makes the Scorpio's Halloween complete.

Sagittarius: likes to keep everyone wondering about their good/bad nature. Look for Sagittarians to wear a sexy devil or angel costume and to have the most fun leading others into temptation.

Capricorn: play out your fantasies of status. Look for Goats dressed as Popes, Presidents or Elvis. Capricorn loves to strut their stuff with authority, so have a good treat for any Goats who knock on your door.

Aquarius: best represented with science fiction costumes. The Bride of Frankenstein best personifies the nature of Aquarius--electric, sexy and terrifying to tangle with.

Pisces: loves Halloween as members of this sign finally get to dress up as the victim they imagine themselves to be every day. Blood and guts, hatchets, even the old arrow through the head helps Pisces scare away Halloween spirits.