Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone make one of the most sizzling couple in Bollywood right now. But this image of theirs seems to be on a high risk.
It is being rumored of late that the couple is having lots of fights due to the commitment issue and they might soon near a break up as well.
Their fights are now not limited to their private conversation and have become visible to people around them as well. It is also being rumored that no-one else but Ranbir Kapoor’s mother is the cause of these fights.
She does not approve of the relation that Ranbir has with Deepika. Ranbir tried to convince him but it was of no use. To this, Deepika feels that Ranbir is not committed to her and feels very upset about it. Ranbir on the other hand feels that he is too young for this.