Tuesday, May 8, 2012

What Does Your Smartphone Say About You?

(Netscape) Your smartphone does a lot more than give you directions to the nearest coffee shop or help you stay current with your e-mail while on the go. It can also reveal something very important about your personality, according to a survey by gadget recycling company Gazelle. The Daily Mail reports that the study was commissioned to better understand the sociology behind various types of smartphone buyers. In short, iPhone users are optimistic, Android users are pessimistic and Blackberry users are the most negative about their futures. What does your mobile device say about you?
Apple iPhone users:
  • 52 percent of iPhone users and 58 percent of iPad users are always optimistic about their future.
  • In uncertain times, 29 percent of iPhone users and 60 percent of iPad users expect the best.
  • iPhone users are very sociable, with 66 percent saying they enjoy spending time with their friends "a lot." Android users:
  • 28 percent of Android smartphone users and 36 percent of Android tablet users are always optimistic about their future.
  • 31 percent of Android smartphone users and 55 percent of Android tablet users often expect more good things to happen than bad.
  • Android users are the hardest working with nearly half of phone users and two thirds of tablet users saying it's important to keep busy.

Blackberry users:
  • 33 percent believe if something can go wrong for them, it will.
  • 33 percent rarely count on good things happening to them.
  • 0 percent usually expect the best.