Two parent chaperones at a Colorado high school prom are in hot water after they sprayed Lysol on students engaged in "dirty dancing" and called several teenage girls "sluts and whores." The bizarre incident last month at the Manitou Springs High School resulted in harassment charges being filed against Jennifer Farmer and Hannah Rockey, both 42-year-old mothers and who were dressed in combat boots and military fatigues at the time of the incident. Several teenagers told officers that the chaperones subsequently deployed the Lysol, which got into the eyes and mouths of some dancers, some of whom had to leave the prom. Farmer and Rockey were later cited for harassment, but not due to the Lysol rather for directing "obscene language to another in a public place," according to criminal complaints. Both women have denied the Lysol spraying which seems rather bold considering the tons of student witnesses on hand.
Ya know, it might have been more effective and not as dangerous to just flick on the house lights and kill the music every time the dirty dancing started. That'll stop that stuff right quick! (Yahoo News)
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