Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Shouldn't OJ have stayed at home and played Madden Football for World of Warcraft?

"Yes he wouldn't be in this mess. If I was acquitted of murder, I would virtually disappear from the public!"

Books Concert TicketsThat's what I find so funny about the entire situation (minus the fact that he took two lives) was that he didn't lie low at all. He used being at that wedding as an alibi for him to be in Vegas and at that casino. He knew what he was doing and now he's screwed. What responsibilities does he have? His children don't live with him, he's got money (unfortunately), and all these opportunities to turn his life around but that book? What a low life! "If I did it" are you kidding me?! That's like me eating all the chocolate cake left over with cake all around my face and telling a bold faced lie saying "if I ate it all.." If I were acquitted of murder (and if I'm going to kill someone it's going to be someone I know nobody else would miss, so it wouldn't be two good law-abiding citizens) than I'd disappear and live my life as quietly as I can. I'm not going to be giving interviews, or on a golf course flashing a smug smile letting everyone know I got away with murder, I wouldn't be writing books saying how or "If" I did it. And did you see his mugshot? He's smiling!!!! His mugshot looks better than my senior yearbook photo! This guy is hopeless and I hope he serves a lot of time. He deserves to be locked up or on death row.