Wednesday, November 23, 2011

101 Things To Do On A Snow Day

1. look at the snow
2. go outside
3. sled ride
4. measure how much snow you have
5. make fun of other schools that don't have snow days
6. sing the alphabet
7. sing it backwards
8. play with you pets
9. go outside and play soccer in the snow
10. walk around town
11. stay in sweat pants and a hoodie all day
12. read
13. watch tv
14. do your hair
15. shovel snow
16. drink hot chocolate
17. go on facebook
18. eat
19. sing
20. draw pictures
21. make crayons with a crayola crayon maker
22. bake cookies
23. bake brownies
24. look at yearbooks
25. search random things on google
26. sleeeeep.
27. play mario bros. wii
28. play some wii fit
29. make a million snowballs
30. make a snowman
31. make an igloo
32. watch other people shovel snow
33. paint your nails
34. sing party in the usa
35. make videos
36. make fun of pointless tv shows
37. write notes to people you love ♥
38. drive around town
39. go to mickey dee's (mcdonalds
40. get a slushie even if it's cold
41. get a snow cone
42. wish it was summer
43. make a snow angle
44. have a snowball fight with yourself
45. have cabin fever
46. talk to your cat
47. yell at your cat
48. go in the snow with your dog
49. take your fish outside and leave them there
50. sleep in as late as you want
51. prank call people
52. hope for a delay the next day
53. play monopoly
54. TSD
55. push ups never hurt
56. create facebook pages
57. build a fire
58. pretend your a dog
59. make a bracelt
60. make fun of twilight
61. rock out to dumb songs
62. take pictures of the snow
63. catch snowflakes with your tounge
64. take pictures in the snow
65. make plans to go sled riding but they never happen
66. play checkers
67. play chess even though you don't know how
68. fight with your siblings
69. run around the house
70. get all bundled up like you did to go outside when you were little
71. clean.. nahh
72. try on dresses
73. play dress up
74. listen to music
75. go to grandma's house
76. look at prom dresses on ha
77. cover a piece of paper with stickers
78. sing pants on the ground
79. watch secret life reruns
80. youtube stupid stuff
81. do your homework you didn't do the previous night
82. shop online
83. call radio stations and try to win something
84. get upset when nothing good is on tv
85.count how many stinkbugs you see
86. chill with sweat pants hair tied and no make up on
87. count how many days till summer
88. wish you were at a soccer game
89. sleep a snuggie
90. stare at the ceiling for no reason at all
91. make a birthday card for your friend
92. look at your baby pictures
93. watch home videos
94. yell at your annoying sisters
95. plant a tree
96. plant flowers
97. go on facebook.... again!
98. put up a status about how bored you are
99. facebook creepin'
100. read this list over and over again.

Bonus: Join The 101 Things To Do In The Snow Facebook Page!