Women's Health found out how picky ladies are about their appearance:
74% of women constantly check out their reflection
17% of women always have perfectly polished and manicured nails
18% of women indulge in beauty treatments they can not afford
43% of women get a Brazilian wax job
25% of women would pass up a date with a hot guy if they had a zit, felt fat, or hadn't had a bikini wax in ages
20% of women are confident about their body
35% of women work out every day
45% of women count calories
55% of women have never consider plastic surgery
46% of women might have plastic surgery if there were no pain or recovery time
Top 3 things women obsess over in order: cellulite, pores, and dark circles
Body parts women love to flaunt in order: butt, legs, and boobs
Most telltale sign a woman has had "work" done is "ridiculously large and perky boobs"
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Ladies....We're PICKY!!
9:47 AM