Monday, December 12, 2011

A Christmas Tree VS A D8

A Christmas tree is ready when you go to pick it up.

A Christmas tree won't retaliate if you dump it after a month.

You don't need a clever line to pick up a Christmas tree.

You can fondle a tree before you take it home.

A Christmas tree doesn't mind you looking under it.

A Christmas tree doesn't become envious around bigger trees. This would be known as treeness envy.

You don't have to worry about who else has had your tree.

A Christmas tree doesn't worry about how many others you've had.

A Christmas tree doesn't object to exotic electrical appliances.

A Christmas tree doesn't think your a whacko if it finds an artificial tree in your closet.

The tree doesn't get upset when you tie it up and put it in the trunk to take it home.