Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Right Resolutions For You!

Are you tired of breaking all your New Year's resolutions by the end of the first week of January? If you are, help is on the way. The awesome power of the stars will help you maintain those resolutions all year long and make keeping resolutions a breeze... without all the frustration, exasperation and disappointment you've felt in the years past. Just follow the "don't" and "do" list:

Aries -- Don't resolve to lose weight. It'll quickly turn you into a sickly looking anorexic. Do resolve to substitute carrots for French fries and celery for cake once a week.

Taurus -- Don't resolve to drop a bad habit like drinking too much or biting your nails you'll just turn testy. Do add a good habit like calling your mother-in-law weekly. This will balance your karma.

Gemini -- Don't resolve to exercise. The stress will send you straight to your couch for a nap. Do go dancing with your best buds and you'll get fit while exercising your sociable nature.

Cancer -- Don't resolve to make peace with your relatives an impossible proposition. Do resolve to let their complaints, cranky moods and craziness slide off your back like water off a duck.

Leo -- Don't resolve to finally get out of debt luxury lover that you are, this is
almost impossible. Do make peace with your credit card bills and set up automatic bill payment through your bank.

Virgo -- Don't resolve to save more and spend less you're the banker of the universe and will turn into a stingy Scrooge. Do give generously to charity, church groups and the homeless. Karma will grow your prosperity for you.

Libra -- Don't resolve to leave you low paid or dead-end job and find work elsewhere. Do gun for your boss's job even if it takes subterfuge or sneaky behavior.

Scorpio -- Don't resolve to "do things today." Here's a hint; You won't, so don't. Do resolve to make a list and check off only one item per day.

Sagittarius -- Don't resolve to buy a new car you'll wind up with a lemon. Do resolve to keep up with preventative maintenance on your current car.

Capricorn -- Don't resolve to get organized. It'll turn you into a cranky clean freak sorting and storing while your family's off having fun. Do give all your junk to charity and join in the fun the organizing will take care of itself.

Aquarius -- Don't resolve to work longer hours you'll soon grow to despise your job. Do take up a creative hobby you'll earn extra cash by wheeling and dealing your hand-crafted items.

Pisces -- Don't resolve to stop arguing with your significant other. Face it, Fish, you're temperamental when it comes to relationships. Do resolve to have more sex. It's tough to be grumpy when you're making whoopee.