Thursday, May 31, 2012


(Source Anonymous) Having trouble losing a few extra pounds? Experts say that matching your personality to a particular diet is the best way to battle the bulge. Discover how the real you can trim excess weight:
  • If you are spontaneous, always ready for adventure and easily bored - You're a competitor who thrives on interaction with others. So your best bet for getting fit is to join a group of like mined people. Exercising together and swapping diet tips with pals keeps you involved and interested in the plan.
  • If you read labels, thoughtfully consider food choices and weigh yourself often - You're a brainiac who endlessly analyzes details until you're overwhelmed by all the choices available. Get a handle on your diet by making small changes like switching to healthful olive oil. And toss out those bathroom scales.
  • If you require a strict routine, schedule meals a week ahead and seldom eat lunch - You're the Sgt. Major of your household, keeping everyone on schedule. Use your organizational skills to compile a food journal. Once you see exactly what you're consuming, you can begin to curb your bad habits and cut your calories.
  • If you are sensitive, tend to eat when you are upset and gobble sweets in front of the tube - You're an intuitive person who gives great advice while too often assuaging your own emotions with mindless eating. You need a buddy who will listen to your troubles while offering support for a healthy diet and exercise program.


(Source Anonymous)
There are some things in this world that will never be forgotten, this week's 40th anniversary of the moon landing for one. But Moore's Law and our ever-increasing quest for simpler, smaller, faster and better widgets and thingamabobs will always ensure that some of the technology we grew up with will not be passed down the line to the next generation of geeks. That is, of course, unless we tell them all about the good old days of modems and typewriters, slide rules and encyclopedias...
Audio-Visual Entertainment
  • Inserting a VHS tape into a VCR to watch a movie or to record something.
  • Super-8 movies and cine film of all kinds.
  • Playing music on an audio tape using a personal stereo. See what happens when you give a Walkman to today's teenager.
  • The number of TV channels being a single digit. I remember it being a massive event when Britain got its fourth channel.
  • Standard-definition, CRT TVs filling up half your living room.
  • Rotary dial televisions with no remote control. You know, the ones where the kids were the remote control.
  • High-speed dubbing.
  • 8-track cartridges.
  • Vinyl records. Even today's DJs are going laptop or CD.
  • Betamax tapes.
  • MiniDisc.
  • Laserdisc: the LP of DVD.
  • Scanning the radio dial and hearing static between stations. (Digital tuners plus HD radio bork this concept.)
  • Shortwave radio.
  • 3-D movies meaning red-and-green glasses.
  • Watching TV when the networks say you should. Tivo and Sky+ are slowing killing this one.
  • That there was a time before 'reality TV.'

Computers and Videogaming
  • Wires. OK, so they're not gone yet, but it won't be long
  • The scream of a modem connecting.
  • The buzz of a dot-matrix printer
  • 5- and 3-inch floppies, Zip Discs and countless other forms of data storage.
  • Using jumpers to set IRQs.
  • DOS.
  • Terminals accessing the mainframe.
  • Screens being just green (or orange) on black.
  • Tweaking the volume setting on your tape deck to get a computer game to load, and waiting ages for it to actually do it.
  • Daisy chaining your SCSI devices and making sure they've all got a different ID.
  • Counting in kilobytes.
  • Wondering if you can afford to buy a RAM upgrade.
  • Blowing the dust out of a NES cartridge in the hopes that it'll load this time.
  • Turning a PlayStation on its end to try and get a game to load.
  • Joysticks.
  • Having to delete something to make room on your hard drive.
  • Booting your computer off of a floppy disk.
  • Recording a song in a studio.

The Internet
  • NCSA Mosaic.
  • Finding out information from an encyclopedia.
  • Using a road atlas to get from A to B.
  • Doing bank business only when the bank is open.
  • Shopping only during the day, Monday to Saturday.
  • Phone books and Yellow Pages.
  • Newspapers and magazines made from dead trees.
  • Actually being able to get a domain name consisting of real words.
  • Filling out an order form by hand, putting it in an envelope and posting it.
  • Not knowing exactly what all of your friends are doing and thinking at every moment.
  • Carrying on a correspondence with real letters, especially the handwritten kind.
  • Archie searches.
  • Gopher searches.
  • Concatenating and UUDecoding binaries from Usenet.
  • Privacy.
  • The fact that words generally don't have num8er5 in them.
  • Correct spelling of phrases, rather than TLAs.
  • Waiting several minutes (or even hours!) to download something.
  • The time before botnets/security vulnerabilities due to always-on and always-connected PCs
  • The time before PC networks.
  • When Spam was just a meat product -- or even a Monty Python sketch.

  • Typewriters.
  • Putting film in your camera: 35mm may have some life still, but what about APS or disk?
  • Sending that film away to be processed.
  • Having physical prints of photographs come back to you.
  • CB radios.
  • Getting lost. With GPS coming to more and more phones, your location is only a click away.
  • Rotary-dial telephones.
  • Answering machines.
  • Using a stick to point at information on a wallchart
  • Pay phones.
  • Phones with actual bells in them.
  • Fax machines.
  • Vacuum cleaners with bags in them.
  • Taking turns picking a radio station, or selecting a tape, for everyone to listen to during a long drive.
  • Remembering someone's phone number.
  • Not knowing who was calling you on the phone.
  • Actually going down to a Blockbuster store to rent a movie.
  • Toys actually being suitable for the under-3s.
  • LEGO just being square blocks of various sizes, with the odd wheel, window or door.
  • Waiting for the television-network premiere to watch a movie after its run at the theater.
  • Relying on the 5-minute sport segment on the nightly news for baseball highlights.
  • Neat handwriting.
  • The days before the nanny state.
  • Starbuck being a man.
  • Han shoots first.
  • "Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your father." But they've already seen episode III, so it's no big surprise.
  • Kentucky Fried Chicken, as opposed to KFC.
  • Trig tables and log tables.
  • "Don't know what a slide rule is for ... "
  • Finding books in a card catalog at the library.
  • Swimming pools with diving boards.
  • Hershey bars in silver wrappers.
  • Sliding the paper outer wrapper off a Kit-Kat, placing it on the palm of your hand and clapping to make it bang loudly. Then sliding your finger down the silver foil to break off the first finger
  • A Marathon bar (what a Snickers used to be called in Britain).
  • Having to manually unlock a car door.
  • Writing a check.
  • Looking out the window during a long drive.
  • Roller skates, as opposed to blades.
  • Cash.
  • Libraries as a place to get books rather than a place to use the Internet.
  • Spending your entire allowance at the arcade in the mall.
  • Omni Magazine
  • A physical dictionary -- either for spelling or definitions. When a 'geek' and a 'nerd' were one and the same.

OUTFIT: Gestuz

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H&M blue blouse with pearl collar, Forever21 trousers, Lucette Bag, Gestuz Booties (via Bloggerswardrobe)

Wearing my new open toe black booties from Gestuz!


Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Town Outraged! Because They're Finally Getting Electricity!

Most of us are probably guilty of taking life's daily necessities like electricity for granted. Not the folks of the remote Florida island of No Name Key. They don't have electricity and never have. Only problem is now they're getting it and not everyone wants it!

Full Story Here!

Girls Rule, Boys Drool!

Let's face it ladies...We've got it made (for the most part)
Yes, we have the monthly 'curse'...But without it, we couldn't make itty bitty versions of ourselves.
Really, the only reason I, personally, would trade places with the opposite sex, is to be able to pee on a road trip without it being a hassle!

See Why We Have It So Good Here!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Don't Be Shy!

(Source Anonymous) Are you shy? Find it hard to start conversations with people you don't know well? You don't have to worry about trying controversial subjects like politics and religion. Try these openers to get you talking:
  • "Who is the most interesting person you have ever met?" This certainly gets people thinking and talking about people they have met and leads you to ask, "Why?"
  • "Where in the world would you most like to visit?" Maybe it's a location shared by many people leading to a common interest and of course, once again, you can ask "Why?"
  • "Who's had the biggest influence in your life?" Generally, they will think of a positive person and be very willing to talk further about them and why that influence is positive.
  • "What has been the most life-changing experience you have ever had?" This could be something good or even something tragic that has affected their life to a great degree. It should lead to a long conversation.
  • "What is the most spontaneous thing you have ever done?" From funny to brave and adventurous stories, this is a good opener.
  • "What thing that you haven't done yet would you most like to do?" Maybe a career move? A new family, a change of lifestyle? This is where you can join in and talk about your aspirations, too.
  • "What is the best quality you've inherited from either of your parents?" This is a particularly appropriate topic at family gatherings as most people will know who you are talking about.
  • "From which person have you learned most in your life?" Another uplifting positive topic of conversation.
  • "What historical figure do you most identify with?" This really opens up the conversation into the era the figure lived in and events surrounding their life. Yes, it can get into politics or religion but generally, people treat this question in the fun that was intended and steer away from being too serious.
  • "What kind of music do you like?" This gives you a great insight into other people but don't let the subject close. An interesting aside is to ask "What is the most embarrassing album in your collection?" Answers to this one are usually hilarious.


Cut down on those extra airline fees for luggage by learning how to pack everything in one suitcase:
Top 10 Tips Here!

DIY Prada skirt in progress

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I'm in love with the Prada relief-yellow-rose print skirt so I gave it a first try ;)

First I dyed a skirt in a very soft pink, then I painted "impressionistic" roses (I tried to capture loosely the silhouette) with textile dye! (mixing the dye with water got the best results!) and after it I went for the yellow roses, using heavy body acrylic paint that I mixed with a textile medium for screen-printing. With lots of effort I managed to get the paint in a syringe-like tube so I could draw the roses out of loose hand.. clearly some roses look better then others haha :)the roses took about 1 week to dry!

I like the effect but what I really want are more puffy-foam-ey roses so I'm looking for another medium! I'm pretty sure I once worked with a puffy-foam paint (It looked very synthetic) for screen-printing but I have no-idea yet where to find it.. I think I might visit the printing-workplace at my old art-school to ask! (I will keep you updated!)



Monday, May 28, 2012

Guys: Be Sexy...And Know It!

Even if you weren't born with Brad Pitt's looks, Matthew McConaughey's charm or Patrick Dempsey's raw sex appeal, you can still do some relatively simple things to improve your sexual attractiveness. Although much research has shown that what women want most in a man is someone who has professional potential and earning power, get real! They may want all that, but they also desire someone with good looks and a great body. is on the case, identifying 10 proven ways men can improve their attractiveness. For example, women are more attracted to men who have V-shaped bodies. You can spend hours in the gym achieving this look, or you can fake it by wearing the right clothing, which includes well-tailored blazers and V-neck tops.

The top 10 things men can do to improve attractiveness, according to
  1. Spend an hour a day exercising. Women gravitate toward muscular males with well-toned bodies.
  2. Go easy on the aftershave or cologne so your natural male scent, which is a real turn-on to women, will still come through.
  3. Create the image of the ideal V-shaped body by wearing the right clothing, which includes well-tailored blazers to make your torso appear slimmer and V-neck shirts that skim your body without being too tight or too loose.
  4. Use facial hair to make your face more symmetrical. If you prefer a clean shaven look, don't leave patches of hair on your face. Experiment with a beard or mustache to determine which look creates more balance between the two sides of your face.
  5. Create a more prominent, masculine jaw with facial hair. Grow a beard to cover a small chin or add volume to a small face to make you appear more manly.
  6. Stand up straight! Good posture makes you look more confident and dominant.
  7. Wear shoes with half-inch heels to look taller. Women prefer men who are tall.
  8. If you want a serious, committed relationship, smile. This shows women you're a nice guy.
  9. Practice looking broody. Women who are want only sex prefer men with a brooding look over men who smile.
  10. Remove excess body hair, especially on the chest and abdomen.

5 Most Common Relationship Fights & How to Avoid Them

(Source Anonymous)Couples fight. We know this. Even the most functional couples have spats now and again. Relationship fights, they happen. However, there are many relationship fights that happen that can be avoided. Because let's face it -- the more stress and fighting a relationship has, the less enjoyable it is. Here are some common relationship fights and how to (hopefully) avoid them.

1. Money
The most common relationship fights are about money. How it's spent. How much you have. How "responsible" you are with it. Finances put a major strain on most relationships. You can prevent (some) of these spats by being upfront about money and making sure you're both working toward the same goals.

2. The past
It's really tempting to pick a fight over the past. Maybe you had unresolved fights. Maybe one (or both) of you cheated. Maybe there are issues with an ex. To avoid this ugly fight, remember the past is unchangeable. In order to move toward the future, you have to let the past go. I mean, really let it go.

3. Jealousy
The green-eyed monster is one of the more common relationship pitfalls. Maybe you're jealous that your man (or woman) was flirting with a coworker. Or that cute waitress. Or the bartender. Jealousy is normal, but also easily avoidable. Remind yourself that your partner is with you because he or she wants to be -- not because he or she has to be.
4. Sex
Often in a relationship, one partner wants to have sex more often than the other. This can lead to all kinds of relationship fights if you're not careful. If sex is a common relationship fight for you, you may want to sit down and examine the underlying issues.

5. Communication
Most fights (relationship or otherwise) are caused by a breakdown in communication. Effective relationships involve effective communication -- which can be hard. So sit back and listen -- really LISTEN -- to what your partner is saying, acknowledge his or her feelings, and work together to be more effective communicators.

OUTFIT: Yummie

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wearing: Zara blazer, H&M dress, Rebecca Minkoff bag, vintage Glitter pumps
Busy day for me today and tomorrow! I have a little streetstyle shoot for a magazine tomorrow where I have to style a ... *very orange*....dress.. I can't spill the details just yet, but you will see soon enough :)



Saturday, May 26, 2012

Things to Do in the Weekend: Shopping the Blogs!

photo by Park&Cube, wearing Stylescrapbook x Kipling Camera Bag

Bloggers are quite the Busy Bees and I always love to spend some quality weekend-time browsing (and shopping) what they have been up to! Because some of these are good, really good!

Here are some of my recent favorites!

1) Stylescrapbook x Kipling Camera bag

The Stylescrapbook x kipling Camera bag is not new (it has been out for a while now) but I'm still head over heels for this clever and lush design! It was quite hard to find some online since most where sold out already but luckily I found some left here!

Photo by 5inchandup
2) Wish Magazine

I love Carrie's blog! So no need to stay I'm totally exited about her Wish magazine!! I pre-ordered it already and seriously can't wait for the magazine to come in the mail!

You can pre-order Wish Magazine here

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photo's by wishwishwish

3) Rebelle

Haleigh, the blogger behind Making Magique has an amazing online boutique that she's running from Paris! Here you can find brands (some hard to find in Europe elsewhere) like Rebecca Minkoff, Wildfox Couture and Evil Twin! 

~Shop Rebelle

Photo's by Making Magique

4) the Cherry Blossom Girl x Etam

The 2nd collection of the Cherry Blossom Girl's with Etam!

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photo's by the Cherry Blossom Girl

5) The Caravan

Olivia has an amazing blog and I'm totally addicted to her instagram (thecaravan)and my latest addiction? Her Vintage store!!

~The Caravan

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photos by Lust for Life


Friday, May 25, 2012

Revenge: A Dish Best Served on YouTube

They say revenge is a dish best served cold. But perhaps serving it up on YouTube is even better!
After a man had his camcorder stolen, Wisconsin. Police eventually arrested the suspect and returned the camera to it's owner, who then discovered a very interesting video. The thief actually taped himself showing his face, giving his name and admitting to stealing the camera.

Read The Whole Story Here!

Here's The Actual Video...LOL


Want to live to be 100 and be happy and healthy while you're doing it? Here are six secret keys to your very own fountain of youth, from researcher Dan Buettner, author of the National Geographic bestseller, "The Blue Zones":
  • Laugh long and often -- Not only is it fun, but a good, long giggle relaxes blood vessels and lowers your risk of heart attack.
  • Nosh on nuts -- Studies of a Seventhday Adventist group in California found that those who ate small portions of nuts five days a week lived an average of two years longer than those who didn't.
  • Cherish your friends -- Keep a tight knit circle of close buddies around you visit often and share your innermost hopes and fears. "Gather people around you who will reinforce your lifestyle," advises Buettner.
  • Eat wisely -- Okinawas, who boast an unusually high number of healthy seniors over 100, begin every meal by saying, "Hara hachi bu!" The saying translates to "Eat until you're 80% full!" Buettner recommends eating slowly off smaller plates to make smaller meals satisfying.
  • Stay active - You don't have to run marathons or schedule gym time. Just make physical activities long walks, puttering in the garden or playing with kids a part of your regular routine.
  • Live like you mean it -- "Across the board, those living the longest had a clear sense of purpose," Buettner explains. "You have to know why you get up every morning." Find ways to connect with things you feel passionate about and get involved. (Source Anonymous)

Thursday, May 24, 2012

What Your Dog Breed Says About You

People are judging you while you're walking your dog.... Why? Because the type of dog you own says something about your personality:

Click Me To See What Yours Says About You

Your skinny jeans could be a health danger

Skinny jeans are all the rage in the fashion world right now, but if you are not wearing them properly they could have you seeing your doctor. Christine Barnabic has quite the collection of skinny jeans in different colors and different materials, and she loves them all. "Variety, it's the spice of life," said Barnabic. She loves the way her skinny jeans spice up her wardrobe. "You can wear the boots over, it's really nice in the winter and even just during the daytime you can wear them with flats or jazz them up at night," she said. But the thing she does not love about her skinny jeans is how hard it is for her to put them on. "They can be hard to get on just because you're trying to obviously pull them up," said Barnabic. Squeezing into skinny jeans can cause nerve damage said Dr. Karen Boyle with the Greater Baltimore Medical Center. "So this disorder is called Miralsha Parasthetica and it's a disorder that occurs when one of the nerves that runs in the outer part of a thigh gets compressed. And pressure on it causes symptoms of tingling, numbness and pain in the outer part of the thigh," said Dr. Boyle. She said women could have symptoms and not even know it. "One woman described it as floating sensation when she was walking. Her thighs kind of felt weak and tingly and she got pain in the thighs. So if you're having that kind of pain and tingling sensation, you should probably loosen up your jeans a little bit," said Dr. Boyle. If you like to wear wedge shoes or any type of high heels with your skinny jeans, Dr. Boyle said to watch out because that could make the pain a lot worse. "So when you wear high heels the axis of your pelvis changes and what happens is your pelvis tilts and your buttocks kind of kick out a little bit and your legs are longer looking which is why women like to wear stilettos. But because the pelvis tilts some, it further accentuates the pressure that's caused on those nerves. So it can make the symptoms worse," Dr. Boyle. To alleviate the pain Dr. Boyle suggested people wear jeggings or skinny jeans that have some stretch in them. (Source Anonymous)

OUTFIT: Casual

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Zara Blazer, H&M sweater, TopShop Jeans, Converse shoes, Rebecca Minkoff Bag

Casual outfit that I was wearing the other day just in between/before the heatwave and thunderstorm... The good part is that this look works with about any regular top or tee..(and uhm umbrella...)



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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Stuck In Traffic??

When you're stuck in traffic trying to get to or  from work, you might imagine how amazing it would be to live a care free life in Hawaii. The beaches. The sand. The surf. And guess what else? The traffic!
Turns out the nation's worst traffic city is Honolulu. That's according to INRIX, which studied the daily commutes of the top 100 major metro areas.

Here's the 10 worst traffic cities along with the hours wasted in traffic per year:
  1. Honolulu (58 hours)
  2. Los Angeles (56 hours)
  3. San Francisco (48 hours)
  4. New York City (57 hours)
  5. Bridgeport, Connecticut (42 hours)
  6. Washington, D.C. (45 hours)
  7. Seattle (33 hours)
  8. Austin (30 hours)
  9. Boston (35 hours)
  10. Chicago (36 hours)


"Men in Black 3" hits theatres this Friday so Eonline started reminiscing about all the awesome aliens the first two flicks introduced.  It then had them chatting (and debating) over which other creatures are memorable.

Follow the link beow to see a list of who they claim to be the 'awesome-est' of the awesome aliens.

Click Me!

TUTORIAL: DIY flower heels

The tutorial for the DIY flower heels!
The tutorial is really simple, easy and fun to do!
(click picture for the full tutorial)


You will need:

I used the floral hair pins/clips from the H&M! These hair-clips are perfect and easy to clip-on to about everything and non-permanent! (for a permanent effect disregard the clips but keep the felt and glue on the flowers) I also used regular shoe laces. (I used shoes that are half a size too big)

for a permanent use: If you look closely you can see that the clip/pin loops through to a little piece of felt that's glued on to the flower! (the clip itself does not necessarily need to be glued) With this in mind you can easily make your own flower hair pins or create your own flower embellishments by glueing the finished flower on a little piece of felt to make it ready for use!


1) Select the flowers/hairpins you want to use 
2) Clip them on where you would like to see them
3) Make sure the pins don't hurt when wearing them! I diy-ed shoes that are on the bigger size (1/2 or 1 size up!) You can also use little pieces of felt to cover the pins so the shoe won't hurt!
4) Et voilà! 
5) Really like the shoe? You can take out the pins/clips (only the clips leave the felt) and glue the flower by the felt on the shoe for a permanent diy!


1) Use shoelaces, ribbons or robe, loop the laces through the open toe of the shoe
2) Cross in the back
3) tie around the ankle (not too tight!!) 
4) Clip on the flowers! 

Have Fun!