Thursday, March 15, 2012

Mind Your Manners

Men's Health magazine found out how your manners measure-up:

40% of men can not remember the last time they wrote a thank-you note
49% of men can not remember the last time they received a thank-you note
15% of men have been chastised by Internet "cops" for making rude online comments
20% have accidentally called a female police officer "sir"
28% of men have crashed a party
40% of men have left a party without saying goodbye to the host
99% of men will hold the door open for a woman
9% of guys will not hold the elevator for another guy
91% of men always try to bring their best table manners to a dinner date
38% of men are freaked out if a waiter places their napkin on their lap
75% of men know to use their utensils from the outside in
65% of men make sure their spoons and forks do not touch the table after being used
93% of men stand when being introduced to someone
65% of men still are not sure how to shake a woman's hand
50% of men have referred to a woman over the age of 18 as Miss, not Ms.
30% of men do reset gym weight machine to the lowest settings after using them
27% of men have "forgotten" to wipe down equipment because lurking gym rates irked them
13% of golfers have walked across an opponent's line on the green
70% of duffers do replace their divots